Tuna fish is one of the popular and common seafood all over the world. Consuming this type of fish has many benefits for the health of the body, which we will mention below.
benefits of tuna fish
- Tuna helps with heart health: The high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids in tuna meat balances blood vessels and reduces cholesterol in the arteries. Reducing cholesterol in the arteries means reducing problems with blood circulation and heartbeat; All of which lead to improved heart health.
Health Tip: Tuna is a good alternative to red meat that contains saturated fat, especially processed red meat.
- Tuna lowers blood pressure: Tuna is rich in potassium. Potassium is a mineral that significantly lowers blood pressure. The combination of this element with omega-3 fatty acids creates an anti-inflammatory effect on the cardiovascular system.
Thus, lower blood pressure means a lower risk of stroke, heart attack, and complex problems such as blocked arteries.
Health Tip: Canned tuna contains salt, which means that by consuming canned tuna, a large amount of sodium enters the body, which counteracts the potassium in the body. Try to use fresh tuna instead of canned tuna as much as possible.
- Tuna strengthens the immune system: The meat of this fish is rich in manganese, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium. These substances are antioxidants that are known as the main boosters of the body’s immune system. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Free radicals are a byproduct of metabolism (fuel) at the cellular level, which cause many serious diseases such as cancer.
Health Tip: One serving of tuna meat can provide almost 200% of the daily need for antioxidants.
- Tuna improves blood circulation: Iron and vitamin B in tuna improve blood circulation. The human cardiovascular system is blocked and slowed down due to fat accumulation. Fats are also accumulated in the body due to unhealthy eating habits, and in this way, body cells are gradually destroyed. High consumption of iron and vitamin B strengthens blood cells. Iron helps improve blood circulation, improve the oxidation state of body organs, and ensure optimal functioning of all organs.
- Eating tuna reduces depression: Eating 3 to 4 servings of tuna per week is more effective than fluoxetine. This bold claim is based on the results of a scientific study on a group of depressed people; In this research, the participants were divided into three groups; The placebo group (took placebo pills), the fluoxetine group, and the tuna group (took several servings of tuna over the course of a week).
The researchers were surprised to see that the stress levels of the tuna group decreased more than the other groups.
Health Tip: Natural treatment of diseases and illnesses does not have the side effects of using chemical drugs. Tuna is rich in antioxidants that can replace industrial drugs in some cases.
- Tuna lowers blood triglycerides: You probably know that tuna affects the body’s cholesterol levels, but there are many hidden facts. The amount of triglycerides in the bloodstream indicates the amount of fat that is circulating throughout the body. Triglycerides are associated with LDL or bad cholesterol and HDL or good cholesterol.
Health Tip: Eating tuna at least twice a week can reduce LDL and improve HDL levels.
- Tuna consumption helps eye health and vision improvement: There is a condition called macular degeneration, during which the vision of the eyes decreases and the patient slowly progresses to blindness. Omega-3 fatty acids with all their power can prevent this condition.
Health Tip: Regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids also prevents dry eye syndrome. Frying or grilling tuna can reduce the amount of healthy and nutritious substances in the meat of this fish. Instead, cook tuna using recipes that prepare it in the oven with foil.
- Tuna strengthens bones: Vitamin D is the main building block of bones. The benefits of this vitamin can be seen in preventing cancer, as well as maintaining the strength and health of bones and preventing fractures.
Health Tip: Vitamin D along with minerals found in tuna can reduce the risk of MS (multiple sclerosis) and autoimmune diseases.
- Eating tuna improves skin health: Tuna contains micronutrient minerals that prevent damage to blood cells through detoxification and maintaining the health of the body. Secondly, a protein called elastin helps to repair excess tissues and soften the skin.
Health Tip: To take better care of your skin, use olive oil therapeutically.
- Tuna prevents stroke: Adults can reduce the risk of stroke by 30% by consuming five servings of tuna a week. With the help of its vitamin B complex and folic acid, tuna prevents the formation of blood clots and improves the condition of the artery walls.
Health Tip: Improve the strength of your cardiovascular system by doing sports activities regularly.
- Tuna fights against kidney disease: the mineral potassium that we mentioned earlier helps balance body fluids and regular kidney function. Kidney cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world, and it is caused by the lack of proper functioning of this organ.
Health Tip: Be sure to hydrate your body enough throughout the day. It is necessary to drink seven to nine glasses of water daily for the optimal function of the kidneys and to maintain the health of the body.
- Tuna prevents cancer: Antioxidants in tuna meat fight against cancer cells. Many types of cancer, such as breast cancer, succumb to the elements in tuna.
Health Tip: Make sure to eat fish at least once a week; If you get tired of constant consumption of tuna, you can replace it with other types of fish.
- Tuna gives you energy: The nutrients in tuna improve metabolism and increase the body’s energy levels. The set of vitamin B found in this fish, along with the high value of protein and omega-3 fatty acids in it, have created such a benefit in tuna.
Health Tip: meat reduces the recovery time of athletes after heavy training, and provides the energy needed for heavy sports activities. Increase your daily consumption of fish to improve your overall fitness level.
- Tuna builds muscle: Protein is one of the main components of tuna meat. Tuna is one of the richest meats in terms of protein; And this factor has made it a perfect food for building muscle and reducing body fat. Muscles grow with the help of protein, recover faster, and improve the body’s metabolic rate.
Health Tip: Tuna is relatively inexpensive, yet an excellent source of protein. 100 grams of tuna meat contains 30 grams of protein. Do the math and then add tuna to your diet to build muscle.
- Tuna helps to lose weight: Obesity and overweight are one of the biggest problems of people in the world. Tuna is low in calories, yet high in quality protein, and full of healthy nutrients that improve health, increase metabolism, and reduce fat. Increasing the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids through the consumption of tuna stimulates the release of the appetite-reducing hormone called leptin. With the release of this hormone, the urge to overeat will not hit you.
Health Tip: Increase metabolism by eating multiple meals throughout the day; Also, reduce the consumption of carbohydrates from afternoon to night.
- Tuna reduces inflammation: Inflammation caused by disease, as well as muscle inflammation, can be suppressed by consuming tuna meat. The anti-inflammatory minerals and healthy cholesterol found in the meat of this fish help release the resources in the body. This issue causes the whole body to function properly, and prevents the development of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout.
Health Tip: you don’t always have to be afraid of inflammation; In bodybuilding activities, inflammation is good.
- Tuna boosts insulin response: People with diabetes can benefit even more than others from eating tuna. The omega-3 fatty acids in tuna control insulin from the start, thus making daily life easier for diabetic patients.
Health Tip: Hydration enhances the effects of eating tuna. Always hydrate your body to prevent a sudden increase in insulin.
- Eating tuna also improves your mood: Selenium controls appetite and mood in humans. Research shows that lack of selenium in the body will cause anxiety. Another benefit of omega-3 fatty acids is to speed up the mood improvement process.
Health Tip: Deliberately starving yourself to lose weight can cause mood swings and unpleasant feelings.
- Tuna consumption has a positive effect on your brain: a diet rich in tuna meat improves the cognitive function of the brain; This ability is due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in the meat of this fish. When healthy blood and oxygen-filled cells flow through the purified circulatory system, and reach the brain, the brain functions much better; Because in this situation, he has all the resources he needs.
Health Tip: Eat nuts and berries to improve brain function. According to scientific evidence, these foods can maintain the health of the brain.
- Tuna prevents cell membrane damage: When you eat cooked tuna, you are helping your body health in several ways. The protein in tuna is broken down into cellular organisms called peptides. Peptides, when they enter the body, affect the cell membrane of the body, improving the overall condition of the body, and then making the body healthier and more resilient against free radicals.
Another important topic we have discussed in the articles of this website is the Salmon trout benefits. For instance, Salmon trout benefits during pregnancy are fully discussed in the article named “Salmon trout benefits”.